Kerala Snacks

MunnarShop is proud to offer a wide range of traditional Kerala snacks, crafted with love and care using authentic recipes and high-quality ingredients. Kerala snacks are known for their unique blend of flavors and spices, and are popular throughout the region. Our Kerala snack collection includes a variety of sweet and savory treats, each with its own unique taste and texture.

Banana chips are one of the most popular snacks in Kerala, and are made with fresh, ripe bananas that are sliced thin and fried to a perfect crispness. Our banana chips are lightly salted and have a subtle sweetness that makes them a favorite among both kids and adults. They are perfect for snacking and can also be used as a garnish for curries and stews.

Jackfruit chips are another popular snack in Kerala, made with fresh, ripe jackfruit that is sliced thin and fried to a perfect golden brown. Our jackfruit chips have a unique flavor and texture that make them a popular snack throughout Kerala. They are perfect for snacking and can also be used as a garnish for curries and stews.

Tapioca chips are made with fresh tapioca, sliced thin and fried to a perfect crispness. Our tapioca chips are lightly salted and have a crunchy texture that makes them perfect for snacking. They are a favorite among both kids and adults and are perfect for any time of day.

Coconut balls are a sweet and delicious snack made with grated coconut, jaggery, and spices. Our coconut balls are handmade using traditional recipes and techniques, ensuring that each bite is bursting with flavor and sweetness. They are perfect for satisfying a sweet tooth or for serving as a dessert.

Halwa is a popular sweet dish in Kerala, made with a blend of semolina, ghee, sugar, and spices. Our halwa is handmade using traditional recipes and techniques, ensuring that each bite is soft, sweet, and flavorful. It is perfect for serving as a dessert or for satisfying a sweet tooth.

In conclusion, MunnarShop’s Kerala snack collection offers a wide range of traditional and authentic snacks that are perfect for snacking, garnishing, or serving as a dessert. Our snacks are made with the finest ingredients and authentic recipes, ensuring that each bite is bursting with flavor and nutrition. Try our Kerala snacks today and experience the unique taste and flavor of Kerala cuisine.

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